River Assessment Field Team (RAFT)
People Coming Together to Document the River's Health
Guided by a staff person, RAFT volunteers help document the condition of the riverbed.
Three Initiatives:
- Focused surveys on Tuesdays, Fridays and other days as needed.
- Major census of people experiencing homelessness in the riverbed and other areas 3 times a year
- Annual October survey of 20+ miles of the river to document trash and other pollution.
Teams are trained to collect data using our custom smartphone app and data visualization, which informs future community river clean-ups and our efforts to support programs working to reduce the number of people living in the riverbed.
Fall 2024 Census Results
City of San Diego
City of Santee
We have adapted this program to make sure that as many people as possible living in the riverbed and nearby areas are counted. This provides vital data for public agencies and others working to help people.
Sometimes, our teams will help care providers find the best route to hard to find encampments. Our hope is that everyone has the opportunity to receive available resources, a dry, safe bed to sleep in and a brighter future.
Want to support this effort? You are always invited to volunteer!
We also appreciate and need donations to sustain this effort.
Working for a Healthy River
We continued to work toward a clean, healthy river. On a twice a week basis, RAFT walks areas of the riverbed to document locations of trash. RAFT also conducts a comprensive survey in October of each year. This data is used to organize community cleanups and advocate for a pollution-free river.
Trash Map Data
New volunteers are encouraged!
If you are interested in being part of one or more of these initiatives, you can learn more about this program on our volunteer website, or by contacting our office at 619-297-7380 or by email.
Our strategy to reduce the number of people living in the San Diego Riverbed:
1. Collect data. Share this data to increase awareness of the population of people that live in the riverbed and to support multiple agencies addressing these issues.
2. Treat people as people. The people living in the riverbed are members of our community. We start from a value that all people should be respected. We seek to help people by connecting them with services that can help them start on a road to getting away from living in floodprone areas.
3. Collaborate. We actively seek partnerships to be part of the solution. The people living in the riverbed are often called "those that are hardest to reach." That has been our experience. It requires constant effort, innovative strategies and data to make a difference.
4. Take Action to Help People
Whether it is care packages or warning people about predicted floodwaters, we organize people to make a difference. If you, your group, or business is interested in being part of the solution to end homelessness in the riverbed, we would love to hear from you.
Our dream is that one day no one will find themselves living in areas that flood, without potable water or restrooms, and in terribly unsafe living conditions.
Glennon Riverbed Cat Fund
Thanks to the generosity of Alison Glennon, a fund has been established to support providing assistance to cats (and other animals) living in or around encampments in the riverbed. This fund was established in the name of local artist Stuart Glennon. Stuart lived in Ocean Beach for many years and loved cats.
The fund supports our efforts to cdocument where cats - stray, community, abandoned animals, feral and pets. The emphasis in on cats, but if dogs and other animals are seen those are documented as well.
With this data, our teams let people living in encampments know about available resources. We also work with the San Diego Humane Society and other organizations to provide support, especially when cats have been abandoned.
You can support these efforts by donating to the Glennon Riverbed Cat Fund.
These two wonderful cats were found left alone at an abandoned encampmen in the riverbedt. After finding the cats, we were able to get them care, and they have now been placed in a newloving home. Thank you to supporters of the Glennon Riverbed Cat Fund who made it possible!
Help us keep the River beautiful for the next generation.Volunteer now »

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