Donate to Support Youth Education Programs
Your dedicated donation to support our education programs will allow us to continue to provide hands-on nature learning opportunities for youth in our communities.
Your support will support efforts to provide these programs at no cost to schools and kids!
These programs will eventually be featured at the River Center at Grant Park, a place for community members of all ages to connect with the San Diego River.The Center will enable our programs to serve up to 25,000 kids annual with these much needed programs.
To learn about our education program, click here
To learn about the River Center at Grant Park project, click here
The Impact of Your Gift
- $30 provides one student experience
- $220 provides the cost of transportation for one class
- $600 provides one entire class an awesome nature learning experience
There are many ways to give!
- Online: Click “Donate” to donate online using secure PayPal
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