Business Partner
Are you a forward looking, eco-loving business who wants to make a difference in San Diego?
Then we invite you to contact us to explore ways to become a Business Partner
We can develop a program that fits your needs through annual giving, team-building, special programs and 1% for the Planet.
Brook Partner $1,000 |
Spring Partner $2,500 | Same benefits as Brook Partner, along with Social media promotion to our 40,000+ Digital Community members |
Creek Partner $5,000 | Same benefits as Spring Partner along with Feature story in a monthly e-newsletter distributed to more than 12,000 |
Stream Partner $10,000 | Same benefits as a Creek Partner along with Feature story in our printer newsletter and sponsorship recognition at our Anniversary Event |
Let's discuss how we can meet your goals!
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Need an invoice? Give us a call at 619-297-7380 or send us an email.

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